Ever walked full speed into a wall of glass? No? Try it some time. It will give you a whole new perspective on what a kaleidoscope looks like without the... scope. Not to mention the lovely bumps it will leave you with to admire and poke and prod at later.
Trust me to get hurt in a mall of all the places. A perfectly SAFE place where the chances of tripping, crashing, speeding etc. are almost zero. The max you can do is probably get whiplash from all the crazy window-shopping. I was merrily spending time in the TGIP looking at this and that, mostly this; which was actually a necklace set to go with the black Sari I planned to wear for P-babes wedding tonight. My feet were protesting a tad by the end of 4 hours I had spent hopping between shops, when I spotted something on a window that I thought would a good excuse to spend my hard earned money on. I'm walking towards the shop door, in my normal speeeedy stride, distracted a little by this boy and child playing next to me and... BANG!
Instead of the door I miscalculated and walked straight the glass wall. 7 mins later I realized that ppl in Noida are asswipes. I am standing there clutching my poor lil head, stunned at how badly it was hurting and NO ONE CAME TO ASK ME IF I WAS OK. Fuckers. Actually one lady did, but by then I was raving mad, so I kicked the glass wall screaming some gibberish that I cannot recall and she skittered away. But not the store owner, not the guard outside the door, or the ppl walking about bothered to find out if I wasn't going to keel over and die of brain hemorrhage.
With tears streaming down from my right eye, I managed to locate a door, hoping it was leading to the Restroom, turned out to be the stairwell... oh well, I sat there and tried to see in my lil pocket mirror what the damage was. A bump the size of a lemon above my right eye, a bump the size of a marble on my cheekbone. Hmmmmmm. Not good. I had a very important wedding to attend to dammit!! The cleaning guy found me whimpering and skittered away as well. What's wrong with humanity!!?? It's officially dead.
I decided to go home and slept with an icepack. This morning I found out that I had bumped my knee as well and it was a lovely shade of purple, and it hurt to walk. So I've been sitting in bed with the icepack around my head and knee for the better part of the day today, just have got to be able to go to the wedding man.
The bumps have reduced drastically, I'm pleased to notice. Maybe a lil makeup will mask the bruising. I can walk around if I don't put too much pressure on my knee, but the true test would be in my heels. *grits teeth*
Better go iron my Sari now!
a neurologically-based disorder, whereby the individual suffers from prolonged bouts of confusion, indecision and randomness... they are often overwhelmed by simple navigational tasks, and may get lost on a day-to-day basis. YIP!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tooth Begone!
I'm shy of one molar today. So happy! So happy that I want to get rid of the other wisdom tooth as well.
The experience was the least traumatizing of all my dentist appointments of the past. The local anesthesia was a tad painful and took about 7 minutes to achieve complete loss of sensation at the extraction site. The entire extraction took about 3 mins tops!! I was freaking amazed! She was definitely kind and sweet, asking me not to cry when I didn't even know I had tears leaking from my eyes... embarrassing! :P I hadn't sat in the dentists chair in over 10 years methinks, and was noticeably nervous and anxious. She recognised that and tried to put me at ease, talked me through the process, esp. when she was digging around the gums and pulling the bugger out. And what a fat molar he was... I asked for it for posterity's sake. TeeHee. Maybe I'll make a pendant outta the bugger.
The pain hasn't been that bad at all. In fact I can almost say that there has been no pain. Imagine that! I also expected that I wouldn't be able to talk, but I can more than a bitty and in the evening I ate some noodles. The thought of NOT chewing and only slurping was driving me insane! I'm supposed to eat solids/semi-solids tomorrow, but I have no will-power *sigh* !
Next are my giant ass cavities. The dentist thinks I may need to get Root Canal for them. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. *shudder* And she has asked me to think about braces again. I need to get a full mouth x-ray done first, to see how much work would be required to fix my crookedness. For regular normal looking braces its 20k, the transparent ones are 35k and the invisible ones that are installed in the back of the teeth are for a whopping 75k. I'll have to wear them from 14 months to 2 years and I'll have to give up certain foods and habits while I have them on.
And yes, I did ask her about kissing. It was pretty apparent that no one in her career had presented her with that query cause her expression was comical to say the least. TeeHee!
The experience was the least traumatizing of all my dentist appointments of the past. The local anesthesia was a tad painful and took about 7 minutes to achieve complete loss of sensation at the extraction site. The entire extraction took about 3 mins tops!! I was freaking amazed! She was definitely kind and sweet, asking me not to cry when I didn't even know I had tears leaking from my eyes... embarrassing! :P I hadn't sat in the dentists chair in over 10 years methinks, and was noticeably nervous and anxious. She recognised that and tried to put me at ease, talked me through the process, esp. when she was digging around the gums and pulling the bugger out. And what a fat molar he was... I asked for it for posterity's sake. TeeHee. Maybe I'll make a pendant outta the bugger.
The pain hasn't been that bad at all. In fact I can almost say that there has been no pain. Imagine that! I also expected that I wouldn't be able to talk, but I can more than a bitty and in the evening I ate some noodles. The thought of NOT chewing and only slurping was driving me insane! I'm supposed to eat solids/semi-solids tomorrow, but I have no will-power *sigh* !
Next are my giant ass cavities. The dentist thinks I may need to get Root Canal for them. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. *shudder* And she has asked me to think about braces again. I need to get a full mouth x-ray done first, to see how much work would be required to fix my crookedness. For regular normal looking braces its 20k, the transparent ones are 35k and the invisible ones that are installed in the back of the teeth are for a whopping 75k. I'll have to wear them from 14 months to 2 years and I'll have to give up certain foods and habits while I have them on.
And yes, I did ask her about kissing. It was pretty apparent that no one in her career had presented her with that query cause her expression was comical to say the least. TeeHee!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wisdom Woes
The friggin wisdom tooth I have been ignoring for the past month and half finally forced me to seek out a dentist, like PRONTO. The effing bugger is crowning at an angle, digging into my cheek and burning an ulcer into the flesh. GAH! I was hoping (I don't know WHY!) it would re-align itself like a good lil tooth, but like the rest of his rogue brothers he rebelled and decided to do as he please.
I woke up with this PAIN, couldn't open my mouth, couldn't brush my teeth, couldn't eat... I could feel the tooth's edge digging in, in IN. I had to get the last rogue who crowned at an angle, treated by a dentist as well. I still recall the PAIN, the bleeding, the snip snip snip of her scissors on my numb tissue making space for the bugger to fucking crown. GAH!
Since moving to Noida I have to find a dentist here, cannot afford to travel to Delhi. Looked one up on the internet and called the clinic up. The doc answered herself and invited me to come see her right away. I was like, "how considerate"... she was like, "Fassa!" Anyhoos, I popped into an auto and went to see her, the clicnic was neat and clean with a strictly no-shoes-indoors policy. So far so good. The dentist was nice, of course she was. I'd be nice to the cow I was going to milk as well! She checked the rogue out and told me he's got to go, that I'll not have any use for him and he'll only make things more complicated for me. Hmmm sounds like we were discussing a man :P. Then she very politely goes, "You should get treatment for your other teeth as well... you have a BAD bite... your whatchamacallit molars/incisors are at this angle... the lower jaw teeth will soon loose their gum protection... you have giant ass cavaties..." Hmmmmmmmm. And here I was hoping she wouldn't be able to spot any of those. Drat! Plus when she remarked, "You should think about getting braces...", I panicked! Braces!? How the heck will I kiss then? Nooooooooooooo. But she went on and on about how I have neglected my teeth and I'll have to pay for it when I grow old. *sigh*
First things first. The wise old rogue is going to be evicted this Friday. I hope she's a good KIND dentist, KIND with her hands and evil instruments. *shudder* GAH!
I woke up with this PAIN, couldn't open my mouth, couldn't brush my teeth, couldn't eat... I could feel the tooth's edge digging in, in IN. I had to get the last rogue who crowned at an angle, treated by a dentist as well. I still recall the PAIN, the bleeding, the snip snip snip of her scissors on my numb tissue making space for the bugger to fucking crown. GAH!
Since moving to Noida I have to find a dentist here, cannot afford to travel to Delhi. Looked one up on the internet and called the clinic up. The doc answered herself and invited me to come see her right away. I was like, "how considerate"... she was like, "Fassa!" Anyhoos, I popped into an auto and went to see her, the clicnic was neat and clean with a strictly no-shoes-indoors policy. So far so good. The dentist was nice, of course she was. I'd be nice to the cow I was going to milk as well! She checked the rogue out and told me he's got to go, that I'll not have any use for him and he'll only make things more complicated for me. Hmmm sounds like we were discussing a man :P. Then she very politely goes, "You should get treatment for your other teeth as well... you have a BAD bite... your whatchamacallit molars/incisors are at this angle... the lower jaw teeth will soon loose their gum protection... you have giant ass cavaties..." Hmmmmmmmm. And here I was hoping she wouldn't be able to spot any of those. Drat! Plus when she remarked, "You should think about getting braces...", I panicked! Braces!? How the heck will I kiss then? Nooooooooooooo. But she went on and on about how I have neglected my teeth and I'll have to pay for it when I grow old. *sigh*
First things first. The wise old rogue is going to be evicted this Friday. I hope she's a good KIND dentist, KIND with her hands and evil instruments. *shudder* GAH!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Mighty Hat!
I might... a mighty big might... be going to the RSNA show this year in Chicago. Which would be awesome, I have always wanted to SEE the biggest show related to our industry and now finally I get the opportunity. What's funny is that I have been designing the booths and all for this show and not yet have seen what they look like in reality. Would be awesome to actually get to see my work up-close and personal.
I have been hearing a LOT about how freaking cold it's there in Dec, and I'm a tad nervous about being able to brave it. So, in preparedness for traveling to the Windy City, I decided to crochet me a sturdy, warm hat.
I was a lil off on the measurements and it's the teeniest bit big. But it covers my ears nicely and I hope it will stand the test of cold and wind. The original pattern didn't have a brim, I added that on me own, gave it a feathery trim with the leftover feather wool I had and I think it looks mighty cute.
I'm re- crocheting the scarf to go with the hat, I had crocheted it last winters but since I was in a hurry them to get it over with I had used a pattern with "holes" in it. I unraveled it last week and now I'm re-doing it in a more close-"knit" pattern.
Can't wait to wear them both!
I have been hearing a LOT about how freaking cold it's there in Dec, and I'm a tad nervous about being able to brave it. So, in preparedness for traveling to the Windy City, I decided to crochet me a sturdy, warm hat.

I'm re- crocheting the scarf to go with the hat, I had crocheted it last winters but since I was in a hurry them to get it over with I had used a pattern with "holes" in it. I unraveled it last week and now I'm re-doing it in a more close-"knit" pattern.
Can't wait to wear them both!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
20 Question Tag
- What have you realized recently?
-- Idli batter left on the kitchen counter all day, will ferment like hell, spill all over and create an unholy mess and smell worse than cat urine.
-- Also, be careful what you wish for, you JUST might get it and NOT in the order you wished them in. - Have you given your first kiss away?
-- Only too gladly! - If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 11 blog buddies you would take?
-- Um. I'd really rather take Keanu Reeves. - Where is the place you want to go the most?
-- Back in time from a specific date to a specific date and run that in a loop till kingdom come. - If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
-- Assuming this means a day-dream; I'd want the time travel to come true. - Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
-- Secretly yes, but it's more fun pretending to be a cynical bitch. - What are you afraid of losing the most now?
-- My will, focus and sanity. - If you win $1 million, what would you do?
-- 33% invest in land/property, 33% for family and my "animal/earth" causes, 33% BLOW it UP. - If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
-- Confess that I pee in the shower? Sure! - List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you.
1- non-judgemental
2- always THERE for me
3- painfully honest (sucks at times!) - What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
-- That when I'm picking a fight, he should just grab and kiss the living day-lights outta me instead of fighting back. - What type of people do you hate the most?
-- Mostly most ppl. - What is the one thing you can’t live without?
-- Constant and consistent reassurances. - If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
-- Look all of you gleeful pointers, QUIT POINTING! I've had it with you nit-picking my faults, you are not so grand yourselves ok, you all stink and in some cultures my faults are adorable. Hmmpppfff! - Question was missing; so I added me own-
Name 3 things you wanted as a child and never got.
1. Space of my own. HATEed sharing.
2. Attention. Or rather, more attention.
3. School trips. - Are you a shopaholic or not?
-- Certified and absconding from theraphy. - Find a word to describe the person who tagged you.
-- Bindaas! - If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
-- The part that explodes frequently. - What’s the last shocking thing you’ve seen or heard?
-- I hadn't known that The Joker was actually Heath Ledger, and throughout the movie I was like, "WHO is this brilliantly creepy nutjob... who is also a tad hot!?" - Would you rather have love but no money or money but no love?
-- Love, love, love, looooooooooooooove, luuuurrrvveeeee... all the way!
This was fun!
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