I was on call with this property dealer, getting some facts cleared for a property he had listed in the Internet and we had gone to see past week, when all of a sudden the talk turned... um... flirty.
It took nearly 10-15 seconds for me to suddenly realize he'd asked me a personal question that I had almost given an answer to! Hmm. He is definitely a smooth talker no doubt about it, very gentlemanly with his polished angrezi, but I was a lil amazed how interested he seemed and how personal his questions were getting. Put a stop to that, yip, and he goes, "Ahhh! I get it, no personal questions huh?". Right Dood.
He's been missed-calling me and then smsing me nearly everyday, requesting me to call back at "my convenience" to "talk about the property". Yeah Right. I'm no longer 18 mister!! I know all about your Lothario-kinds! On the 5th day I finally answered his call and he was all like, you have been avoiding me, I'm so hurt. EH! Then he goes on, how about letting me take you around to "see properties" and I'm all like, "No can do, we have already finalized on one building" and he's says his voice all low and husky, "Ohh, my bad luck that I couldn't be of service to you... *sigh!*" I'm like WTF, is this Dood for real!? He hasn't SEEN me and he's being all improper on the phone! For all he knows I'm fat and hairy with 32 warts on my nose!!!
As I'm politely and FIRMLY trying to end the conversation he goes, "Can we meet for coffee sometimes?", I refuse; he sighs again and goes, "Would have been nice to put a face to this voice of yours." WhooHoo!
I'm not denying that it does me ego a bitty good to hear that *snicker* but no siree, no can do.
a neurologically-based disorder, whereby the individual suffers from prolonged bouts of confusion, indecision and randomness... they are often overwhelmed by simple navigational tasks, and may get lost on a day-to-day basis. YIP!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mixing it up!
Somehow things are working out rather well... with the dogs and the cat. Not with the maid.
I had taken Cherie to the vet immediately after rescuing her. They chopped of all her mats, which means all of her fur. She had bruises, and the vet confirmed that she's blind. Me and Koo bathed her once we came back home. Cherie sleeps in my room in Bala's old bed. She recognizes my voice and she's responding to the name Cherie. She has this darling lil way of concentrating on my voice when I'm calling her and walking towards it, gently bumping her nose against the wall or door jamb when she falters. She has figured out how to get in and out of the bed. She loves belly rubs. She eats like a lil lady with lil nibbles but she attacks the rawhide bone with glee.

I got her a puppy leash and a collar and we went for a nice lil walk this evening. If I keep talking to her, she walks right beside me. But at times she'll stop and sniff about and refuse to budge, then turn around and pick another direction. I'm thinking I'll tie a bell to my shoe and see if she figures out by the sound that I'm with her, walking beside her.
I'm trying to get her into a routine, but it's been difficult cause Bhumi doesn't really help. She just does the bare minimum and that just plain pisses me off.
Ginger is a sweetheart, a tad too submissive and a tad bit insecure. But she loves belly rubs too. I gave her Bala's squeaky toy and man it was hilarious watching her with it. I don't think she's ever had a toy before, cause she would hop over to the toy and then quickly hop back as if expecting it to explode, nudging it just barely and yip with glee when it squeaked. Absolute joy watching her play with it. No issues with food, she licks her plate clean and she's quite well behaved on the walks.

And yes, Dr. R was on the dot about one detail. She is a very beautiful girl... and I think she knows it. :)
I had taken Cherie to the vet immediately after rescuing her. They chopped of all her mats, which means all of her fur. She had bruises, and the vet confirmed that she's blind. Me and Koo bathed her once we came back home. Cherie sleeps in my room in Bala's old bed. She recognizes my voice and she's responding to the name Cherie. She has this darling lil way of concentrating on my voice when I'm calling her and walking towards it, gently bumping her nose against the wall or door jamb when she falters. She has figured out how to get in and out of the bed. She loves belly rubs. She eats like a lil lady with lil nibbles but she attacks the rawhide bone with glee.

I got her a puppy leash and a collar and we went for a nice lil walk this evening. If I keep talking to her, she walks right beside me. But at times she'll stop and sniff about and refuse to budge, then turn around and pick another direction. I'm thinking I'll tie a bell to my shoe and see if she figures out by the sound that I'm with her, walking beside her.
I'm trying to get her into a routine, but it's been difficult cause Bhumi doesn't really help. She just does the bare minimum and that just plain pisses me off.
Ginger is a sweetheart, a tad too submissive and a tad bit insecure. But she loves belly rubs too. I gave her Bala's squeaky toy and man it was hilarious watching her with it. I don't think she's ever had a toy before, cause she would hop over to the toy and then quickly hop back as if expecting it to explode, nudging it just barely and yip with glee when it squeaked. Absolute joy watching her play with it. No issues with food, she licks her plate clean and she's quite well behaved on the walks.

And yes, Dr. R was on the dot about one detail. She is a very beautiful girl... and I think she knows it. :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Smells a lil sour
It would seem Dr. Ryder isn't so grand as I was under the impression of. We had agreed to him leaving Dieter with me for a week, but when I saw him past Sat, it was Ginger he wanted me to dogsit.
Now we have test-driven Dieter, with Snow and us and our routines and his routines. I know jack shit about Ginger. He assured me, or OVER-assured me what a lovely dog Ginger is, which she is I'm sure, but that's not the point. The point is that Ginger does not know our routine, our house, Snowie or has the time to go through a test-drive. Leaving her with me, akin to suddenly abandoning her with strangers would be wrong. I couldn't say no, so I said yes.
I hate how ppl do not live up to the grandness I paint them with. WHY????? I view Dr. Ryders dog switcheroo as a form of cleverness and irresponsibility that just minused a huge chunk of his brownie points. Not to mention the oversell he did on the property bit. Trying to pass off a half-finished "factory" as a "beautiful" building fit for IBM just soured my mood.
So Ginger is with me, and I have unfortunately keep her in the TV room, cause yes of course Bhumi is rank 10 with the uselessness of a maid when you need them the most, educated my arse. With Cherie and Snow in the mix, Ginger quite obviously feels where the fuck am I!?
Sucks ass.
Now we have test-driven Dieter, with Snow and us and our routines and his routines. I know jack shit about Ginger. He assured me, or OVER-assured me what a lovely dog Ginger is, which she is I'm sure, but that's not the point. The point is that Ginger does not know our routine, our house, Snowie or has the time to go through a test-drive. Leaving her with me, akin to suddenly abandoning her with strangers would be wrong. I couldn't say no, so I said yes.
I hate how ppl do not live up to the grandness I paint them with. WHY????? I view Dr. Ryders dog switcheroo as a form of cleverness and irresponsibility that just minused a huge chunk of his brownie points. Not to mention the oversell he did on the property bit. Trying to pass off a half-finished "factory" as a "beautiful" building fit for IBM just soured my mood.
So Ginger is with me, and I have unfortunately keep her in the TV room, cause yes of course Bhumi is rank 10 with the uselessness of a maid when you need them the most, educated my arse. With Cherie and Snow in the mix, Ginger quite obviously feels where the fuck am I!?
Sucks ass.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Ma Cherie
Wet, shivering, tied to a tree all night in the rain, quite possibly blind. My heart just broke. I'll never be able to ever erase the sight of her whimpering, as the man untied her short rope, expecting more abuse, terrified not knowing what was in store for her. Holding her flea infested body in my arms, her fur incredibly matted, thick with grime and stinking of utter neglect, I was stunned at the capacity ppl possess for cruelty, for being monsters.
Cherie is sleeping in Bala's old bed now. She's clean, she's fed, she's warm and she's safe.
Cherie is sleeping in Bala's old bed now. She's clean, she's fed, she's warm and she's safe.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Moving Out
We are going to move. YaY!
I have probably never hated a place with such feral passion as much as I hate this office's location. There's no fucking road. Honest. It's a squidgy sewery water-logged hell hole, inhabited by the utter rotting filth of human kind who stare holes in me when I walk by (or bump about by in the cyclerick... OW! my poor bones!) and lasciviously throw out fetid "compliments". If I had a gun I'd have gut-shot 17 asswipes every morning and 26 every evening. *sigh* If wishes were horses...
Anyhoos, Buds and moi spent the better part of today scouting for new locations in Noida. I'm hopeful that by 2 weeks time we'll have something to finalize on and look forward to new and better beginnings. Driving around on the bike is not so much fun as it was when I was in college, majorly cause it majorly messes up your hair. I hate messed up hair. Cannot stand it! GRRR! My head wrapped up in a stole like a terrorist with the eye-slit covered in shades I frankly scared a few fellow bike/scooterwalas when we'd stop at the red lights. Of course men being men, they'd STILL stare trying hard with their "x-ray" vision to see through the stole and shades, the big mens shirt I had on over my kurti... asswipes, the lot of you!
I like Noida though, in comparison to F'Bad. Although nothing can beat Delhi, Delhi rawks totally and completely. Food, shopping, hanging out in GK/Defcol/Khan Mkt/Janpat, movies in Saket, long drives till India Gate... cannot experience that anywhere else. Even though living in CW isn't a bad deal, I like it here too. But I'm ready to move. Ready to explore new beginnings again in a new place. When I think of that it amazes me. How did I become so rootless and nomadic? NOT that I have lived about like a gypsy, in fact I haven't. But I'm no longer worried and anxious about the prospect of moving house, shifting my base as I used to be couple years back. The question doesn't daunt me anymore. I actually look forward to it.
OK, NOT to the whole packing up the house and unpacking it! THAT I do NOT look forward to at all. No siree. Uh-huh.
Every place I have actually wondered about since I was in school I have gotten to be there for a bit and explore it. The school bus would turn right to go to GK and I'd wonder what lay to the left turn; and when I started working, the route turned left! While I was in that office I got an interview call for an office in Mathura Rd. and my Da flipped; TOO FAR! he ranted and raved but I still went for the call. I didn't get the job, but in a few years I was stationed client-side in Mathura Rd. It's didn't seem so far honest. While I was working client-side my colleague used to commute from F'Bad and it used to frighten me. Commuting from another state... wow, how do ppl manage that!!? Another chick used to stay by herself in F'Bad which put me in perpetual awe of her. Living on your own in another state AND commuting to work... double wow. Pretty soon I bought my house in F'Bad, ha! Not just that, in a couple of years I just moved to a rented place in a pretty colony and living by myself. I still cannot get over this change in me.
When the heck did I grow up, man! :P
I have probably never hated a place with such feral passion as much as I hate this office's location. There's no fucking road. Honest. It's a squidgy sewery water-logged hell hole, inhabited by the utter rotting filth of human kind who stare holes in me when I walk by (or bump about by in the cyclerick... OW! my poor bones!) and lasciviously throw out fetid "compliments". If I had a gun I'd have gut-shot 17 asswipes every morning and 26 every evening. *sigh* If wishes were horses...
Anyhoos, Buds and moi spent the better part of today scouting for new locations in Noida. I'm hopeful that by 2 weeks time we'll have something to finalize on and look forward to new and better beginnings. Driving around on the bike is not so much fun as it was when I was in college, majorly cause it majorly messes up your hair. I hate messed up hair. Cannot stand it! GRRR! My head wrapped up in a stole like a terrorist with the eye-slit covered in shades I frankly scared a few fellow bike/scooterwalas when we'd stop at the red lights. Of course men being men, they'd STILL stare trying hard with their "x-ray" vision to see through the stole and shades, the big mens shirt I had on over my kurti... asswipes, the lot of you!
I like Noida though, in comparison to F'Bad. Although nothing can beat Delhi, Delhi rawks totally and completely. Food, shopping, hanging out in GK/Defcol/Khan Mkt/Janpat, movies in Saket, long drives till India Gate... cannot experience that anywhere else. Even though living in CW isn't a bad deal, I like it here too. But I'm ready to move. Ready to explore new beginnings again in a new place. When I think of that it amazes me. How did I become so rootless and nomadic? NOT that I have lived about like a gypsy, in fact I haven't. But I'm no longer worried and anxious about the prospect of moving house, shifting my base as I used to be couple years back. The question doesn't daunt me anymore. I actually look forward to it.
OK, NOT to the whole packing up the house and unpacking it! THAT I do NOT look forward to at all. No siree. Uh-huh.
Every place I have actually wondered about since I was in school I have gotten to be there for a bit and explore it. The school bus would turn right to go to GK and I'd wonder what lay to the left turn; and when I started working, the route turned left! While I was in that office I got an interview call for an office in Mathura Rd. and my Da flipped; TOO FAR! he ranted and raved but I still went for the call. I didn't get the job, but in a few years I was stationed client-side in Mathura Rd. It's didn't seem so far honest. While I was working client-side my colleague used to commute from F'Bad and it used to frighten me. Commuting from another state... wow, how do ppl manage that!!? Another chick used to stay by herself in F'Bad which put me in perpetual awe of her. Living on your own in another state AND commuting to work... double wow. Pretty soon I bought my house in F'Bad, ha! Not just that, in a couple of years I just moved to a rented place in a pretty colony and living by myself. I still cannot get over this change in me.
When the heck did I grow up, man! :P
Friday, June 6, 2008
The tag of 8s!
Long due. Plus I needed a reason NOT to document what's REALLY going on in me life right now.
The lists are in no particular order.
8 Things I am passionate about:
8 Things I do that drives Mama crazy
Umm... used to drive my Momsie crazy :P
I cannot answer this!!!! There can never be JUST 8 or 10 or 1 or 100.
8 Things that make me me
The lists are in no particular order.
8 Things I am passionate about:
- Paneer
- Promoting Animal Welfare
- Fruits
- Nanoo
- Doing everything possible to reduce my carbon footprint
- Daydreaming
- Shopping
- Poochies and Huggies
8 Things I do that drives Mama crazy
Umm... used to drive my Momsie crazy :P
- When I used to act like I was the Mom and she the kid.
- Holding her in a death-grip with my arms and leg while sleeping.
- Nagging non-stop about... well anything and everything.
- Demanding that she wake me up with atleast 3 cups of ginger-tea and if either one was not made to my exact specifications I would throw a tantrum... and then she'd have to wake me up with lots and lots and LOTS of poochies and huggies.
- Hoarding fruits and snackies in my cupboard cause I hated sharing anything with my bro.
- While dressing up to go someplace, I'd force her to wear the sari I liked instead of the one Da picked for her, and when she would still wear what Da wanted, I'd get all miffed and cranky and sulk the entire time.
- My refusal to go to church.
- Waking her up in the middle of the night to go see why some pup or dog was mewling, sneaking pups and dogs in the terrace and then sneaking them into the house and into my bed, emo-blackmailing her to deal with Da into letting me re-home the pups and strays... *sigh* miss it all so much.
- Sky Dive/BASE Jump/Fly in a HotAir balloon
- Have a baby
- Go storm chasing
- Visit Scotland; only for Jaime
- Learn to drive a Car
- Make a sincere effort to help the cause of animals and our planet
- Write a book
- Be loved, unconditionally
- Who the F, What the F
- Bloody Hell
- Really???
- Man... or meaaaaan!
- Kya bakwas
- Abe oye
- Ba or Nanoo
- Pukka?
- The Twentieth Wife
- Feast of Roses
- Namesake
- Mistress of Spices
Thats about all I have read recently. I'm too busy to crack open a book (imagine that!!), I do most of my reading these days online, and mostly it's either on Animal Welfare/Rights/Issues, or about organic products, green living or... crochet patterns. :P
I cannot answer this!!!! There can never be JUST 8 or 10 or 1 or 100.
8 Things that make me me
- Really short fuse
- Has GREAT expectations
- Opinionated
- Obsessive
- Vivid imagination
- Passionate about the oddest of things
- Moody as hell
- Stubborn
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