I had taken Cherie to the vet immediately after rescuing her. They chopped of all her mats, which means all of her fur. She had bruises, and the vet confirmed that she's blind. Me and Koo bathed her once we came back home. Cherie sleeps in my room in Bala's old bed. She recognizes my voice and she's responding to the name Cherie. She has this darling lil way of concentrating on my voice when I'm calling her and walking towards it, gently bumping her nose against the wall or door jamb when she falters. She has figured out how to get in and out of the bed. She loves belly rubs. She eats like a lil lady with lil nibbles but she attacks the rawhide bone with glee.

I got her a puppy leash and a collar and we went for a nice lil walk this evening. If I keep talking to her, she walks right beside me. But at times she'll stop and sniff about and refuse to budge, then turn around and pick another direction. I'm thinking I'll tie a bell to my shoe and see if she figures out by the sound that I'm with her, walking beside her.
I'm trying to get her into a routine, but it's been difficult cause Bhumi doesn't really help. She just does the bare minimum and that just plain pisses me off.
Ginger is a sweetheart, a tad too submissive and a tad bit insecure. But she loves belly rubs too. I gave her Bala's squeaky toy and man it was hilarious watching her with it. I don't think she's ever had a toy before, cause she would hop over to the toy and then quickly hop back as if expecting it to explode, nudging it just barely and yip with glee when it squeaked. Absolute joy watching her play with it. No issues with food, she licks her plate clean and she's quite well behaved on the walks.

And yes, Dr. R was on the dot about one detail. She is a very beautiful girl... and I think she knows it. :)
The way you describe your moments with your Cherie and ginger sounds just like a mommy describing her babies! :)
I can only say only an animal lover can understand why we all animal lovers talk about our "babies" like they are our "own babies"
Love how you describe them !!!
Keep up the GOOD WORK !!
Thanks ye all! You guys should see the critters in action tho. They are no worse than babies, complete with tantrums and lquidy "accidents" :P
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