a neurologically-based disorder, whereby the individual suffers from prolonged bouts of confusion, indecision and randomness... they are often overwhelmed by simple navigational tasks, and may get lost on a day-to-day basis. YIP!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Slippery When Wet
Saw snow, my first ever. Was awesome, magical, a lil icky cause snow melts and well... it turns every goddamn thing damp. Hair, shoes, coat. I hate damp. But when it's floating down from heavens above, it's truly magical. Loved it. Loved the cold, how it would grip your knees and render them completely numb, so that as you exit the car and walk towards the building door, the 5 minutes it takes you to make that walk, you are not too sure if you really are walking cause you cannot feel your knees, your feet. They are these stumps, in lovely tan boots, somehow clacking on the concrete, a lil ungainly, yet still somehow walking. Hee.
The ungaingly act didn't last too long though. I prestiged into a fine display of surprise tap dancing on ice, a lil bitty of skidding, a tad bitty of flailing arms, a WHOA! of alarm... crash... on numb knees. Hmmm. Numb has a quality of still registering incredibly acute pain. Not fun. No sir.
Well, anyways, the paramedics arrived like in 15 seconds flat, cut open my stockings and exposed my skinny UNSHAVED leg to all and sundry. GAH! To top it off, the Dood was hunky and rather good-looking. *sigh* Even with tears rolling down my embaraased cheeks, trying to answer his calculated questions on how I would rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst I ever expreienced, all I could think of was... my leg is covered in a week old fuzz... waaaaaah!! And I wish I had worn the new socks and not this 106 year old rag handed down from the elves of Darnation!!!
Lovely NEW boots, ruined. Lovely striped black suit, ruined. My makeup was intact, thank god for smudgeproof eyeliner (cruelty and paraben-free, of course!).
Trip back home to India, through various security points in the airport, all the WALKING, sitting, loo visits were an interesting lesson in appreciating on how much you actually should look after and thank these 2 knees you have. Love you knees!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Winter Loot!
Cotton Candy Waves
The aggravating thing about crocheting sweaters is that you have to crochet everything in twos. It drives me nuts cause by the time I'm done doing the front body or one sleeve, I DO NOT want to do it all over again for the back or the other sleeve. I tend to lose all patience and just want the thing to be DONE so I can wear it. I have quite a few front bodies of sweaters all waiting for their backs or sleeves. :P
Sooooooooo... to that effect I hunted and hunted and reasearched like mad to find out a way or pattern that will cut down on the crochet time, I do not have to deal with front/back, fixing sleeves (which is a killer) and the entire thing should FIT. And guess what? Weeeeeeeeeee! I found this brilliant method that allows you to check the fitting AS you crochet.
The Top-Down Raglan style sweater is easy as peasy, you start with the neck and crochet the yoke in either a square or in rounds. The body and sleeves follow the same system and man was it fun. I made the next puppy in 4.5 days flat!! And I checked the fitting as I went. Which doesn't mean that I didn't screw up here and there, one sleeve is tighter than the other, there are a few missed stiches, the body is a tad bitty more tighter than I wanted it be and I fudged the yoke a bit so the top part sits a bitty skewed when I wear it.
But, all in all I'm verra pleased! This was a good exercise and I plan to make and experiment more!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Food Frankenstein
The most common and easiest way is to steam/boil the icky offender, puree it and then knead it with flour to make interesting looking and tasting roti's. For example my fav. is spinach, I buy like hordes of that stuff, steam/boil then puree it and mix it up with wheat flour to make phulkas or puri's. Love the greeeeeeeeen color, makes it look so much more interesting than regular plain-jane phulkas! Also, lately I have been experimenting with radish, fenugreek, and BEETS!
Man, I luuurrrvvvveee the beets roti's, the awesomely lovely red color just looks absolutely gorgeous. I remeber as a kid chomping on my crayolas, trying to see if the colors had a distinct taste (of course they didn't and tasted vile btw!) and always chomped harder on the Red ones cause I especially fancied them. The beets Puri with Milk (my fav puri combo!) almost come close!

I can now also eat eggplant and peas by adding them to Vegetable Pilafs or with Paneer. Actually truth be told I'll eat anything with Paneer, so I normally will add the ickyness with a Paneer dish and just gobble the whole thing up. I wish I had this much sense as a kid... oh well.
I have found another awesomely awesome way to avoid heartburn, tummyburn, and well... next morning pottyburn... *snicker* not too much anyways! I buy green chillies, the small incredibly theeki ones, dry them in the sun till they turn crackalicious, then grind them up either really fine or with bitty flakes on. I use this instead of Red Chilli powder in all my curries and cooking and man... it tastes, smells wonderful. Love the green chilly sun-dried scent. The only downside is (not health-wise) that the dish does not have that yummy mouth-watering reddddddd color to it. But that's ok, I have the beets phulkas na!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Flattery is the secret to my giant ego!
I stopped and looked up, "Uh-huh?"
Bitty more confident, "Can I talk to you?"
Bitty more wary, "About what?"
"Ohh, just like that."
Ahh. Ohhhhhh. TeeHee. This is crackalicious.
Snicker, "Drop it. I'm way older than you boys. Go home!"
A tad surprised and skeptical, "How old?"
Hahahaaa. The expression was priceless! Loved it. The other kid with the romeo started guffawing with glee as I walked away. On my turn back, the kid is still hanging around and he stops me again and wants to know if I'm lying! I wish. He couldn't believe it and told him like the proper disapproving matron I am, "You should be hitting on girls in your school!" The kid goes with due umbrage, "I'm not in school, I'm in college!!"
That was nice. Like a second second helping of Custard Apple Sorbet. Satisfying and enormously pleasing!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Crash! Bump!
Trust me to get hurt in a mall of all the places. A perfectly SAFE place where the chances of tripping, crashing, speeding etc. are almost zero. The max you can do is probably get whiplash from all the crazy window-shopping. I was merrily spending time in the TGIP looking at this and that, mostly this; which was actually a necklace set to go with the black Sari I planned to wear for P-babes wedding tonight. My feet were protesting a tad by the end of 4 hours I had spent hopping between shops, when I spotted something on a window that I thought would a good excuse to spend my hard earned money on. I'm walking towards the shop door, in my normal speeeedy stride, distracted a little by this boy and child playing next to me and... BANG!
Instead of the door I miscalculated and walked straight the glass wall. 7 mins later I realized that ppl in Noida are asswipes. I am standing there clutching my poor lil head, stunned at how badly it was hurting and NO ONE CAME TO ASK ME IF I WAS OK. Fuckers. Actually one lady did, but by then I was raving mad, so I kicked the glass wall screaming some gibberish that I cannot recall and she skittered away. But not the store owner, not the guard outside the door, or the ppl walking about bothered to find out if I wasn't going to keel over and die of brain hemorrhage.
With tears streaming down from my right eye, I managed to locate a door, hoping it was leading to the Restroom, turned out to be the stairwell... oh well, I sat there and tried to see in my lil pocket mirror what the damage was. A bump the size of a lemon above my right eye, a bump the size of a marble on my cheekbone. Hmmmmmm. Not good. I had a very important wedding to attend to dammit!! The cleaning guy found me whimpering and skittered away as well. What's wrong with humanity!!?? It's officially dead.
I decided to go home and slept with an icepack. This morning I found out that I had bumped my knee as well and it was a lovely shade of purple, and it hurt to walk. So I've been sitting in bed with the icepack around my head and knee for the better part of the day today, just have got to be able to go to the wedding man.
The bumps have reduced drastically, I'm pleased to notice. Maybe a lil makeup will mask the bruising. I can walk around if I don't put too much pressure on my knee, but the true test would be in my heels. *grits teeth*
Better go iron my Sari now!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tooth Begone!
The experience was the least traumatizing of all my dentist appointments of the past. The local anesthesia was a tad painful and took about 7 minutes to achieve complete loss of sensation at the extraction site. The entire extraction took about 3 mins tops!! I was freaking amazed! She was definitely kind and sweet, asking me not to cry when I didn't even know I had tears leaking from my eyes... embarrassing! :P I hadn't sat in the dentists chair in over 10 years methinks, and was noticeably nervous and anxious. She recognised that and tried to put me at ease, talked me through the process, esp. when she was digging around the gums and pulling the bugger out. And what a fat molar he was... I asked for it for posterity's sake. TeeHee. Maybe I'll make a pendant outta the bugger.
The pain hasn't been that bad at all. In fact I can almost say that there has been no pain. Imagine that! I also expected that I wouldn't be able to talk, but I can more than a bitty and in the evening I ate some noodles. The thought of NOT chewing and only slurping was driving me insane! I'm supposed to eat solids/semi-solids tomorrow, but I have no will-power *sigh* !
Next are my giant ass cavities. The dentist thinks I may need to get Root Canal for them. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. *shudder* And she has asked me to think about braces again. I need to get a full mouth x-ray done first, to see how much work would be required to fix my crookedness. For regular normal looking braces its 20k, the transparent ones are 35k and the invisible ones that are installed in the back of the teeth are for a whopping 75k. I'll have to wear them from 14 months to 2 years and I'll have to give up certain foods and habits while I have them on.
And yes, I did ask her about kissing. It was pretty apparent that no one in her career had presented her with that query cause her expression was comical to say the least. TeeHee!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wisdom Woes
I woke up with this PAIN, couldn't open my mouth, couldn't brush my teeth, couldn't eat... I could feel the tooth's edge digging in, in IN. I had to get the last rogue who crowned at an angle, treated by a dentist as well. I still recall the PAIN, the bleeding, the snip snip snip of her scissors on my numb tissue making space for the bugger to fucking crown. GAH!
Since moving to Noida I have to find a dentist here, cannot afford to travel to Delhi. Looked one up on the internet and called the clinic up. The doc answered herself and invited me to come see her right away. I was like, "how considerate"... she was like, "Fassa!" Anyhoos, I popped into an auto and went to see her, the clicnic was neat and clean with a strictly no-shoes-indoors policy. So far so good. The dentist was nice, of course she was. I'd be nice to the cow I was going to milk as well! She checked the rogue out and told me he's got to go, that I'll not have any use for him and he'll only make things more complicated for me. Hmmm sounds like we were discussing a man :P. Then she very politely goes, "You should get treatment for your other teeth as well... you have a BAD bite... your whatchamacallit molars/incisors are at this angle... the lower jaw teeth will soon loose their gum protection... you have giant ass cavaties..." Hmmmmmmmm. And here I was hoping she wouldn't be able to spot any of those. Drat! Plus when she remarked, "You should think about getting braces...", I panicked! Braces!? How the heck will I kiss then? Nooooooooooooo. But she went on and on about how I have neglected my teeth and I'll have to pay for it when I grow old. *sigh*
First things first. The wise old rogue is going to be evicted this Friday. I hope she's a good KIND dentist, KIND with her hands and evil instruments. *shudder* GAH!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Mighty Hat!
I have been hearing a LOT about how freaking cold it's there in Dec, and I'm a tad nervous about being able to brave it. So, in preparedness for traveling to the Windy City, I decided to crochet me a sturdy, warm hat.

I'm re- crocheting the scarf to go with the hat, I had crocheted it last winters but since I was in a hurry them to get it over with I had used a pattern with "holes" in it. I unraveled it last week and now I'm re-doing it in a more close-"knit" pattern.
Can't wait to wear them both!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
20 Question Tag
- What have you realized recently?
-- Idli batter left on the kitchen counter all day, will ferment like hell, spill all over and create an unholy mess and smell worse than cat urine.
-- Also, be careful what you wish for, you JUST might get it and NOT in the order you wished them in. - Have you given your first kiss away?
-- Only too gladly! - If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 11 blog buddies you would take?
-- Um. I'd really rather take Keanu Reeves. - Where is the place you want to go the most?
-- Back in time from a specific date to a specific date and run that in a loop till kingdom come. - If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
-- Assuming this means a day-dream; I'd want the time travel to come true. - Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
-- Secretly yes, but it's more fun pretending to be a cynical bitch. - What are you afraid of losing the most now?
-- My will, focus and sanity. - If you win $1 million, what would you do?
-- 33% invest in land/property, 33% for family and my "animal/earth" causes, 33% BLOW it UP. - If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
-- Confess that I pee in the shower? Sure! - List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you.
1- non-judgemental
2- always THERE for me
3- painfully honest (sucks at times!) - What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
-- That when I'm picking a fight, he should just grab and kiss the living day-lights outta me instead of fighting back. - What type of people do you hate the most?
-- Mostly most ppl. - What is the one thing you can’t live without?
-- Constant and consistent reassurances. - If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
-- Look all of you gleeful pointers, QUIT POINTING! I've had it with you nit-picking my faults, you are not so grand yourselves ok, you all stink and in some cultures my faults are adorable. Hmmpppfff! - Question was missing; so I added me own-
Name 3 things you wanted as a child and never got.
1. Space of my own. HATEed sharing.
2. Attention. Or rather, more attention.
3. School trips. - Are you a shopaholic or not?
-- Certified and absconding from theraphy. - Find a word to describe the person who tagged you.
-- Bindaas! - If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
-- The part that explodes frequently. - What’s the last shocking thing you’ve seen or heard?
-- I hadn't known that The Joker was actually Heath Ledger, and throughout the movie I was like, "WHO is this brilliantly creepy nutjob... who is also a tad hot!?" - Would you rather have love but no money or money but no love?
-- Love, love, love, looooooooooooooove, luuuurrrvveeeee... all the way!
This was fun!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Let the necking...begin!
"Nadine—you're the one with the vertebra that WON'T QUIT"
And then they stared at their lake reflections fer hours, Jennifer B.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I feel blue
Yes. I’m feeling sorry for myself again. Being sick tends to have that effect on me. As I stood this morning in the kitchen… dirty kitchen, scrounging around for a spoon that looks “clean” to eat my sago porridge, I’m engulfed in waves of self-pity. Majorly cause its pitiful that one has to cook breakfast for oneself when one is so sick. And when one has to go see the disinterested-in-your-care doctors in a big fancy hospital by oneself. And when one has to buy medicines and then remember to take them by oneself. And when your tummy hurts in the middle of the night there isn’t anyone but your own thineself who is rubbing your tummy going, “there there”… ok ok I wasn’t. But I was moaning by myself. :( I miss my mom.
Ok anyways. I have decided on the tattoo I want. Finally. YES! Something to look forward to and worry about till I get it and then worry about how it looks. Fun. :P
No, it’s not ornamental or a bilingual motif that means auspicious in one language and turnip in another. No, it’s not my name in Hebrew. No, it’s not his name in Braille. Oooooh. Wait. That’s a NEAT idea. Hmmmm. Bears thinking over. Well, no ones going to be able to miss it once I get it. That’s all I’m mentioning at this point.
I’m more than a lil excited about it. Majorly cause it means freedom for me. For so many things that ppl take for granted, it will be a fresh start for me. I’m doing a lot of research on this, trying to find the right artist, esp. if that right artist is also located where my clients are when I go visit them in States :P cause travelling to SF to get a tattoo on a business visit to NY would just not be possible!
Thinking of the tattoo actually gives me a lot of… joy, believe it or not. There isn’t all that much to be joyful about as it is in my life. Maybe the word is hopeful. Things at work couldn’t suck more. Things at home stink… literally. My pee is sunset orange, which normally is a happy color, but not in your toilet bowl. I’m surviving on fried eggs and toast. My mouth tastes vile and bitter. I think I have dandruff. I think Cherie has it too. I have no desire to move beyond the space that is my bed and at times I contemplate if it would be ok to just pee in the bed just so I do not have to get up. My heightened sensitivity to noise, light and in particular smell is not HELPING!!!
But thinking of the tattoo helps.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I am a Thunder and Static kind of day!
There's one and only one kind of day I wish to be and that is a thunderous, overcast, heavy with impending rain, charged with static day.
When you wake up in the morning and the sky looks dark and angry, rumbling deep in her belly her discontent with the general state of affairs, the hot arid indifference of the sun, and you just know it's going to be a wet wet, gloriously wet day. The air is charged with static, making your hair dance in the wind as you take down the laundry from the clothesline, a bitty annoying but a bitty fun, it smells slightly musty and you turn your nose up a notch to catch the deliciously effervescent scent.
Lightning flashes and streaks across the sky, the wind picks up strength, lifting petticoats and kicking up naughty dust devils, they swirl and tease the road-side trash. Thunder cracks out a loud warning setting off car alarms, startling you and making you almost spill your morning tea. Steady arms tether you close and you both stand just under the canopy of the balcony, unmistakably giving in to the joy of watching the heavens put on a pompous light and sound show.
Pitter-patter-pitter-pat-pat... fat orbs whizz down to the parched earth, crack open and turn everything a shade or so dark and very damp. The heady scent of wet earth makes your senses dance, his eyes light up with delight as you lean in for a kiss, the soft spray of the raindrops misting over your feet deliciously. The heavens pour their hearts out, enveloping you in a world of rain, turning everything into muted shades of pastel, like an old watercolor painting.
Lost in languor, the wet morning seeps into a damp evening. Snuggled close under warm blankets, the world outside the window looks clean and fresh, a soft cool breeze sneaks in ruffling the curtains. "Chai", softly whispered, just so it would not annoy you... too much."Ok baba, but you make the pakoras."
Even though I HATE what rain does to anything below the vicinity of my ankles, how the roads turn muddy and impassable, how the gutters swell and flood with trash, reeking of filth... not to mention how suddenly all autowalas not want to go anyFUCKINGwhere. GRRR. And oh yeah, the infux of happily swarming mosquitoes and flies. Yech.
But I absolutely adore storms, booming thunder and crackalicious lightning, the wind wailing as if the world is truly coming to an end. The sheer power of nature and the faciniating display of it, completely rocks my senses. Most of my dreams, esp. the flying ones have an overcast weather, gloomy clouds and the soft spray of rain. I love it. When I wake up in the morning and I see its all couldy and dark, I feel euphoric. There's a promise of something fresh and clean in the air, plus it tends to make me feel reeeeeeeeally frisky. :P
Tagging ~nm.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
How many times has one said that curse or wanted to say it? At times I have said it in pure jest when kidding around with friends, and at times I have muttered in under my breath wholly intending to do if suitably provoked. But would you ever really, given the opportunity to spit on someone’s face, spit on their face?
I did. Yip. Yes Siree.
I woke up on Moving Day to find Bhumi missing, and I eventually figured out that Madame’s run away. Imagine that! The fucking bitch after all the goody-two-shoes act she pulled on me for 7 months, after treating her like a fucking choti sister, ran fucking away. Just like that. Needless to say, my temper was at an all time thermometer-breaking high. The fucking moron never imagined that I'll go hunting for her, file a report with the police and come show her what PISSING me OFF means. After 3 hours of locating the crappy police station, dealing with crappy policemen who really really sincerely ought to be castrated with plastic kid-safe scissors, hunting down the placement agency in the galli's and nukkas of Badarpur Border, I stormed into the Agency, screeching like a banshee.
TeeHee. In retrospect, the reactions all round were both intensely satisfying and funny as hell. Bhumi was beyond shocked, stunned speechless as I screamed abuses at her in both Hindi (Yes... including the C-word. Yes. Me. Yes. I said the C-word. Just once tho) and my spectacular, albeit wasted on the retarded fuckwits, English. In hind sight, some of the things I said to her are admittedly whacked! My throat was parched (from the hunting expedition and all the screaming) and yet I managed to scrounge around in my dry throat and scrapped enough spit to hurl it smack dab in the back-stabbing bitches face.
Not once but TWICE!!
Later as I sat in the car, I looked within myself at wonderment that I could lose control to that extent. That my rage would drive me to such frenzy. Point to be noted though here is that I didn’t for a nanosecond feel bad. Nope. But what concerns me is the exultation spasming through me at her reaction... stupefied fear. It felt awesome watching her cower in fear, in utter bewilderment, trying to grapple with the fact that her asinine act of just running away would drive me to insanity.
GAWD! The only thing I restrained myself (mighty proud of my restraint btw) was not to beat her to a bloody pulp, red-belt-in-karate-kiss-my-ass. Gah!
Now I'm stuck with a temp maid who talks too fucking loudly but likes the dog and cat (or pretends to! Allah hi jaane), can't cook, has ZERO sense about most things and how to do them, yaps constantly about her previous Madame and how balls-out-fantastic she was (YET she left her!) but I tolerate her cause I have to.
HATE it.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Silver Linings
It was bedtime and I called her over to come follow me to the room, when I reached the room I, out of habit, closed the door behind me, forgetting for a moment that Cher was following me. Before I could turn around to open the door, it opened. The lil miss had ambled over to the door, bumped her nosed on it and figured it was closed, so she stood up on her hind legs and pushed it open with her lil itty bitty fore paws!! AWWWWWWWWman it was ever so cute. And amazing. I know she's blind and not stupid, but still.
The D-Day is approaching. Over the weekend I shift. I have managed to arrange for the advance rent and 2 months security somehow from my own resources. I'm still about some short, but I think I'll manage for now. *phew* There's this THING hanging over my head that just will not let me relax. There's a lot going on in the office and it's driving me insane. Plus the house shifting and my natural tendencies to launch into panic attacks because any major change in my life will completely unhinge me, has not been fun. I hate setting up house. Hate the whole 2-3 weeks it takes to settle in a new home. I like things to be SET already when I get there. *sigh* I shouldn't complain. But I'm still going to. GAH!
And then I fell off the cyclerick yesterday. Which was NOT FUN! Just banged my shoulder, trying to save the laptop. The upside was that the cyclerick wala dropped me all the way to the office and I didn't have to switch cyclericks after the crossing.
It's all about the sliver linings I tell you. :P
Friday, July 25, 2008
Buri Nazar Wale...
So goddamn pissed right now. The fucking landlord refuses to waive off the 10% renewal increase on the rent. Fucking greedy pig, I hope a thousand fleas nest in your armpits till kingdom come!
I knew it was too good to be true and I knew something will jinx it sooner than later. I fucking hate the entire fucking world right now.
Update- 8:09 PM
Hmmmm. So. After many discussions and advices and lectures and one coax, I called the landlord up and agreed to his terms. *sigh* I just want to be done with this and move on to the next issue on my list. I hope things look brighter once I move.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
House Hunting
I was all excited about the prospect of moving house, day dreaming about how things will be this way and that way in the new place, how I'll do it up with this and that, blah blah blah... Just the hunting part has soured my mood so much that I'm no longer excited about anything. The rent rates are friggin HIGH, the rooms are friggin SMALL and Landlords are a PAIN in the ASSHOLE region. I have had 2 of them tell me on phone that they will not give to single women and they want a family with kids as tenants, they then turn around and ask, "Tumne shaadi nahin ki... kab karogi?" WTF? I wanted to retort back, "Shaadi nahin ki, lekin char bacche hain, wo chalega?"
It's not like I don't get their point. Single ppl are (lets be honest) notorious for "loud music, drinking alcohol, fighting and getting into ruckuses, walking about in knickers (men & women both), living like yahoos, messing up the place, friends dropping in at odd hours, too many opp. gender friends living in, yada yada yada" I. GET. IT. But it's still unfair. Not all of us are yahoos who spit on walls and sleep on fresh newspapers instead of fresh sheets. Some of us are really swell about keeping the place clean and will only have the steady come live them them for a couple of weeks. :P
And it's not like married ppl WITH effing kids don't create issues. But what gets me all riled up is the "respectability" factor firmly attached to married ppl. Are married ppl just by the fact that they are MARRIED, respectable? Don't married ppl walk about in knickers? Don't their kids gleefully scribble with crayons and finger-paint on walls? Don't married ppl play loud music? Don't "respectable" married ppl drink alcohol and beat their wives? How is it that all these are acceptable or ignored by these "pious" landlords? Effing double standards!
I have finalized on a place. Spoke to the landlord and yes, he did ask me the golden question, "What are your future plans? When do you intend to get married?" GRRR. I bore it with good grace, the apartment is worth that much at least! And it is a rather nice place esp. considering all the options I have seen so far, even tho it has teeny-tiny balconies. Expensive no doubt, but looking at some of the benefits it has I'm keen to snatch it asap. I'm more than a bitty apprehensive about the chikchik I might have to suffer cause I have a dog or if my heels make too much noise clacking in the corridors, not to mention if I have *ahem* male friend(s) drop by... *sigh* but I shall bear that as well with good grace (GAWD! I hope!!)
Lets be positive; since I already have suffered a lecture just last night for being negative, and hope for the best.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Walk a mile in his... feet

Reality check.
Yip. I have it good. way too good, even if I have to walk to work and complain about the heat and dust and how much I hate this place, I have it good.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Malai Kofta
Past few weeks ago I read in Nids bloggie that she'd made these yummilicious koftas WITH pictures posted to torture me of course.
Apparently it's not rocket science that goes into creating this magical dish. Feeling extremely adventurous, not to mention that the visions of creamy kofta gravy was driving me literally insane, I decided to try my hand at making them.
Popped out both Sanjeev Kapoors recipe book and the prep method on Nids bloggie, just so I'm both inspired and I don't make any goof ups mixing this instead of that. Supposed to take under an hour to get these puppies ready, and it took me close to 3! TeeHee! I felt like I was making explosives, handling the uncooked koftas as if they will explode in my hands, splattering the grated paneer filling all over me poor face. Carefully and very very slowly I managed to make 12 dumplings and fried them one by one. Oooooooo! They looked yummy and I almost chucked the gravy part, just wanted to bite into these and be done with it.

Finally when the gravy looked "done" I switched off the gas and added the cream. Voila! Somehow I had managed to not fuck the entire thing up and it looked close to what I order from restaurants. I dropped the fried dumplings into the gravy and spooned the gravy over the puppies a bitty. So happy and hungry that I quickly ladled up a portion of it onto my plate and stood at the kitchen counter itself and ate it all. TeeHee!

Saturday, July 12, 2008
After paying for the purchases and requesting the shop-boys to get the goods delivered to my apartment, I walked out the corridor completely unprepared for the downpour. JFC! It was raining bathtubs! Now I'm not the sort at all who likes or lets just say "tolerates" getting wet in the rain. The whole prospect of wet clingy clothes, dripping hair, squelching feet is NOT my idea of fun. Ick.
Stranded I decided to wait it out with few other shoppers who too were caught unprepared for this downpour. It was ok while there were these 2 other ladies with me, the local asswipes kept a suitable distance. Pretty soon, ones husband come to pick her up and the other flagged down a cyclerick. Yippee for me. Like bees to honey (and I'm NOT flattering myself here) the doucebags gleefully gravitated to where I stood, trying hard to blend in with the poster on the wall depicting some cartoon character happily munching on corn-flakes. Not successful.
Fine. I get it. In their retarded gnat-sized brains the whole "girl stranded in the rain" evokes orgasmic visual malfunctions. WooHoo for you. BooHoo for me. Stinking sweating men, drenched in their pathetic excuse of "masculinity" and the rain, swearing, smoking and excitedly scratching their balls as they guffawed, leered and made really gag-worthy comments, I fantasized about un-taping one of the electrical wires hanging near the signboard and just oh so casually letting it fall near where they stood in inch deep water. Ohh the absolute joy of watching them dance the happy gay dance of electrocution. *sigh* Fried hair and popping eyeballs... if wishes were horses!
After about an hour (it was 9pm by then) of fantasizing and working on that thick skin I have been trying to build for 2 years now, I decided to risk the ickyness and brave the rain. I set off, hunched and walking as fast as my lil legs could carry me, ignoring the color and questionable properties of the waters flooding the the streets. I turn right for my street and it's pitch black with just the faint glow from windows of houses, barely letting me see cause it was raining so hard. I trudge on, unknowing that which lay before me was a veritable "talaab" reaching up to my knees!!! I was suddenly caught in this terrifying pool of gushing water, the rain beating down on my head, can't see for shit... one of my favorite nightmares come true.
Panic, doesn't even begin to describe what exploded in my heart, raced through my veins, hitching my lungs shut and rendered my limbs numb. I haven't had the drowning nightmares in years. And here I was living it. Again. I swear I saw spots dancing in front of eyes, just how it used to when I'd have an panic induced asthma attack. No. That's NOT where we are going now are we trooper? Uh-Huh. I'm thankful for my sheer grit that I didn't completely lose my head and talked my myself into moving my legs, one at a time, telling myself that it's real not a dream, there's nothing in the water making it's way towards me, the lil bumps and nudges I feel against my legs are just twigs and trash, I can breathe, one puff in and one puff out, I have full control and I can walk out of this. Inching forward I used the cars parked on the sides to feel my way out to the bend and into another street. The water level was up to my shins here and manageable. There were no cars parked here, so stumbled around a bit and came to the other bend. The water was only ankle-deep, and I could see my gate further ahead, relief flooding through me. I literally ran home, feeling a lil stupid at my panic attack and how childishly I lost control of my faculties, yet quivering happily to be where there was light and the comfort of my home.
This isn't the first time this has happened to me. Years back I was caught in another downpour, with no ride home and decided to head out, foolishly believing that I possessed the gumption to tackle deserted roads and pouring rain on me own. Not. I must have fallen close to 3-5 times that night, stumbling around in the flooded streets, tripping into pot-holes, breath wheezing through constricted capillaries, desperately convincing myself that the water I was floundering in wasn't teeming with creepy-crawlies. I manage to make my way to a local market, stranded in front of a sole dingy pan-wala at 10:00pm, drenched and scared shitless cause all I encountered there too were just these asswipes, making me realize how ineffective my gender really is. I had made so many calls that night, requesting from friends to family to come pick me up, getting all sorts of excuses why they can't, and finally I got through to my cuz who actually could. While I waited for her to get done with work and come get me, I stood outside a fast-food joint, weeping my heart out, sucking on my inhaler, hoping I don't pass out. She finally arrives, shocked to see the state I'm in, blubbering like a hysterical baby, so happy to see a familiar face. Dropping me home, my Mom is even more shocked cause I was running 104 fever by then, a lil... ok a lot outta my mind, blabbing stuff that made no sense to her, clinging to her and crying like the world was ending.
Hmmmm. How did this get so long?
I don't hate the rain. As long as I'm indoors and/or with company. I actually love stormy weather, love lightning and thunder claps, static making my hair dance. Love the emotions cloudy weather evokes in my heart, tempting me to take flying leaps off windows and balconies. But the actual presence of water and darkness are too close to a dream I have had since I was child, that I have worked hard to beat it to the back of oblivion, never to rear it's ugly head again.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Zen Master
Without further ado;
Me :
- it takes a nano second for me to be plumetted into the depts of depression
- unpredictabiliyt like that just is not fun to deal with
- lus my typos really mess things upo
- gah
Zen Master :
- but without those typos, you wouldn't be youTeeHee! Brillianto!
- I'd worry that cybernetic beings from the future had stolen your brain and replaced it with some kind of genetically engineered super hamster
Me :
- it's 5:45pm
Zen Master :
- I always picture you slaving away at your desk or whatever it is that you happen to sit at, at all sorts of times of the day and night, and even, sometimes, times that don't even exist in the normal day-to-day workings of the universe...it's like, you slip outside of time for a bit, and sit and work in some place, some frosty place with ice which has a slightly purple tinge to it
- by which I mean...ah...5:45...I see
Friday, July 4, 2008
Lets See
Cher on the other hand is learning her way around the house quite well, no more banging against furnitures and walls... well not so much anyhoos. When I take her for her walk, she LOVES it, gets all excited and wags her lil itty-bitty tail and when we go down the stairs my heart just fair breaks at her fumbling attempts to get down the stairs. She's a brave lil lady, just needs a lotta coaxing and encouragement and she's managed to go down 2 flights unassisted. But I think she finds the entire 4 flights really hard to figure out, so she'll just sit, look abouts to where I am standing and wag her itty-bitty tail as if asking PUHLEASE pick me na! I'll carry her down and on the street she's off like a lil happy rocket.
She poops just fine and is good at walking behind/beside me, her lil nosie at times bumping against my leg when I slow down. I have had ppl stop twice and tell me "how kewwwwt!!"and ask me what breed she is, I guess she looks a lil funny with her fur all chopped up. On the way back up the stairs she has no issues climbing, but she does get tired before we get to our floor. I'm giving her 2 meals and she licks her bowl clean, when I lift her I can feel difference from the day I got her to how she weighs now. Neat progress. Her infections are all dried up and flaking off, a rather icky prospect to deal with cause she now wants to sleep with me on the bed. I let her, of course. :P Love the way she romps about on the bed pleading for belly-rubs, tho at 4:00am I'm pleading with her to lie still and SLEEP!
N predicts that I'll end up keeping her. That thought crosses my mind at least 30 million times in a day :D, and I start off with all the reasons how I can and how I cannot. :( She reminds me of Sweetie so much, not that she's anything like Sweetie, but even Da was all like, it's like Sweetie is back with you. Hmmmmmm.
"Let see", said the Zen Master.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hint of Impropriety
It took nearly 10-15 seconds for me to suddenly realize he'd asked me a personal question that I had almost given an answer to! Hmm. He is definitely a smooth talker no doubt about it, very gentlemanly with his polished angrezi, but I was a lil amazed how interested he seemed and how personal his questions were getting. Put a stop to that, yip, and he goes, "Ahhh! I get it, no personal questions huh?". Right Dood.
He's been missed-calling me and then smsing me nearly everyday, requesting me to call back at "my convenience" to "talk about the property". Yeah Right. I'm no longer 18 mister!! I know all about your Lothario-kinds! On the 5th day I finally answered his call and he was all like, you have been avoiding me, I'm so hurt. EH! Then he goes on, how about letting me take you around to "see properties" and I'm all like, "No can do, we have already finalized on one building" and he's says his voice all low and husky, "Ohh, my bad luck that I couldn't be of service to you... *sigh!*" I'm like WTF, is this Dood for real!? He hasn't SEEN me and he's being all improper on the phone! For all he knows I'm fat and hairy with 32 warts on my nose!!!
As I'm politely and FIRMLY trying to end the conversation he goes, "Can we meet for coffee sometimes?", I refuse; he sighs again and goes, "Would have been nice to put a face to this voice of yours." WhooHoo!
I'm not denying that it does me ego a bitty good to hear that *snicker* but no siree, no can do.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Mixing it up!
I had taken Cherie to the vet immediately after rescuing her. They chopped of all her mats, which means all of her fur. She had bruises, and the vet confirmed that she's blind. Me and Koo bathed her once we came back home. Cherie sleeps in my room in Bala's old bed. She recognizes my voice and she's responding to the name Cherie. She has this darling lil way of concentrating on my voice when I'm calling her and walking towards it, gently bumping her nose against the wall or door jamb when she falters. She has figured out how to get in and out of the bed. She loves belly rubs. She eats like a lil lady with lil nibbles but she attacks the rawhide bone with glee.

I got her a puppy leash and a collar and we went for a nice lil walk this evening. If I keep talking to her, she walks right beside me. But at times she'll stop and sniff about and refuse to budge, then turn around and pick another direction. I'm thinking I'll tie a bell to my shoe and see if she figures out by the sound that I'm with her, walking beside her.
I'm trying to get her into a routine, but it's been difficult cause Bhumi doesn't really help. She just does the bare minimum and that just plain pisses me off.
Ginger is a sweetheart, a tad too submissive and a tad bit insecure. But she loves belly rubs too. I gave her Bala's squeaky toy and man it was hilarious watching her with it. I don't think she's ever had a toy before, cause she would hop over to the toy and then quickly hop back as if expecting it to explode, nudging it just barely and yip with glee when it squeaked. Absolute joy watching her play with it. No issues with food, she licks her plate clean and she's quite well behaved on the walks.

And yes, Dr. R was on the dot about one detail. She is a very beautiful girl... and I think she knows it. :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Smells a lil sour
Now we have test-driven Dieter, with Snow and us and our routines and his routines. I know jack shit about Ginger. He assured me, or OVER-assured me what a lovely dog Ginger is, which she is I'm sure, but that's not the point. The point is that Ginger does not know our routine, our house, Snowie or has the time to go through a test-drive. Leaving her with me, akin to suddenly abandoning her with strangers would be wrong. I couldn't say no, so I said yes.
I hate how ppl do not live up to the grandness I paint them with. WHY????? I view Dr. Ryders dog switcheroo as a form of cleverness and irresponsibility that just minused a huge chunk of his brownie points. Not to mention the oversell he did on the property bit. Trying to pass off a half-finished "factory" as a "beautiful" building fit for IBM just soured my mood.
So Ginger is with me, and I have unfortunately keep her in the TV room, cause yes of course Bhumi is rank 10 with the uselessness of a maid when you need them the most, educated my arse. With Cherie and Snow in the mix, Ginger quite obviously feels where the fuck am I!?
Sucks ass.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Ma Cherie
Cherie is sleeping in Bala's old bed now. She's clean, she's fed, she's warm and she's safe.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Moving Out
I have probably never hated a place with such feral passion as much as I hate this office's location. There's no fucking road. Honest. It's a squidgy sewery water-logged hell hole, inhabited by the utter rotting filth of human kind who stare holes in me when I walk by (or bump about by in the cyclerick... OW! my poor bones!) and lasciviously throw out fetid "compliments". If I had a gun I'd have gut-shot 17 asswipes every morning and 26 every evening. *sigh* If wishes were horses...
Anyhoos, Buds and moi spent the better part of today scouting for new locations in Noida. I'm hopeful that by 2 weeks time we'll have something to finalize on and look forward to new and better beginnings. Driving around on the bike is not so much fun as it was when I was in college, majorly cause it majorly messes up your hair. I hate messed up hair. Cannot stand it! GRRR! My head wrapped up in a stole like a terrorist with the eye-slit covered in shades I frankly scared a few fellow bike/scooterwalas when we'd stop at the red lights. Of course men being men, they'd STILL stare trying hard with their "x-ray" vision to see through the stole and shades, the big mens shirt I had on over my kurti... asswipes, the lot of you!
I like Noida though, in comparison to F'Bad. Although nothing can beat Delhi, Delhi rawks totally and completely. Food, shopping, hanging out in GK/Defcol/Khan Mkt/Janpat, movies in Saket, long drives till India Gate... cannot experience that anywhere else. Even though living in CW isn't a bad deal, I like it here too. But I'm ready to move. Ready to explore new beginnings again in a new place. When I think of that it amazes me. How did I become so rootless and nomadic? NOT that I have lived about like a gypsy, in fact I haven't. But I'm no longer worried and anxious about the prospect of moving house, shifting my base as I used to be couple years back. The question doesn't daunt me anymore. I actually look forward to it.
OK, NOT to the whole packing up the house and unpacking it! THAT I do NOT look forward to at all. No siree. Uh-huh.
Every place I have actually wondered about since I was in school I have gotten to be there for a bit and explore it. The school bus would turn right to go to GK and I'd wonder what lay to the left turn; and when I started working, the route turned left! While I was in that office I got an interview call for an office in Mathura Rd. and my Da flipped; TOO FAR! he ranted and raved but I still went for the call. I didn't get the job, but in a few years I was stationed client-side in Mathura Rd. It's didn't seem so far honest. While I was working client-side my colleague used to commute from F'Bad and it used to frighten me. Commuting from another state... wow, how do ppl manage that!!? Another chick used to stay by herself in F'Bad which put me in perpetual awe of her. Living on your own in another state AND commuting to work... double wow. Pretty soon I bought my house in F'Bad, ha! Not just that, in a couple of years I just moved to a rented place in a pretty colony and living by myself. I still cannot get over this change in me.
When the heck did I grow up, man! :P
Friday, June 6, 2008
The tag of 8s!
The lists are in no particular order.
8 Things I am passionate about:
- Paneer
- Promoting Animal Welfare
- Fruits
- Nanoo
- Doing everything possible to reduce my carbon footprint
- Daydreaming
- Shopping
- Poochies and Huggies
8 Things I do that drives Mama crazy
Umm... used to drive my Momsie crazy :P
- When I used to act like I was the Mom and she the kid.
- Holding her in a death-grip with my arms and leg while sleeping.
- Nagging non-stop about... well anything and everything.
- Demanding that she wake me up with atleast 3 cups of ginger-tea and if either one was not made to my exact specifications I would throw a tantrum... and then she'd have to wake me up with lots and lots and LOTS of poochies and huggies.
- Hoarding fruits and snackies in my cupboard cause I hated sharing anything with my bro.
- While dressing up to go someplace, I'd force her to wear the sari I liked instead of the one Da picked for her, and when she would still wear what Da wanted, I'd get all miffed and cranky and sulk the entire time.
- My refusal to go to church.
- Waking her up in the middle of the night to go see why some pup or dog was mewling, sneaking pups and dogs in the terrace and then sneaking them into the house and into my bed, emo-blackmailing her to deal with Da into letting me re-home the pups and strays... *sigh* miss it all so much.
- Sky Dive/BASE Jump/Fly in a HotAir balloon
- Have a baby
- Go storm chasing
- Visit Scotland; only for Jaime
- Learn to drive a Car
- Make a sincere effort to help the cause of animals and our planet
- Write a book
- Be loved, unconditionally
- Who the F, What the F
- Bloody Hell
- Really???
- Man... or meaaaaan!
- Kya bakwas
- Abe oye
- Ba or Nanoo
- Pukka?
- The Twentieth Wife
- Feast of Roses
- Namesake
- Mistress of Spices
Thats about all I have read recently. I'm too busy to crack open a book (imagine that!!), I do most of my reading these days online, and mostly it's either on Animal Welfare/Rights/Issues, or about organic products, green living or... crochet patterns. :P
I cannot answer this!!!! There can never be JUST 8 or 10 or 1 or 100.
8 Things that make me me
- Really short fuse
- Has GREAT expectations
- Opinionated
- Obsessive
- Vivid imagination
- Passionate about the oddest of things
- Moody as hell
- Stubborn
Friday, May 23, 2008
Dieter- Photos
Dr.R and I'm going to have a discussion on whether Dieter can stay with me next time when it's needed. Of course he can stay, there need not be any discussion. But I did promise myself to be practical so in the light of which I'm going to ask Dr. R that he send Dieter with food and train me how to walk him on the leash minus all the dashing about. Yip.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mujh Ko Satao
But listening to this song; "Tau Phir Aao", I may be slipping into madness... it's eliciting emotions and feelings within, urging me to just stand on the ledge and fly off... and fly off I so desperately long to.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dieter won't eat. He ignored the chicken, he ignored the biscuits, he ignored the eggs and cheese and he ignored the chapatis. I'm befuddled cause I have yet to come across a dog that wont eat with gusto at least one of these. He doesn't seem sick, cause he plays about and wants to be petted and let off on the balcony, on his walks he's the same exuberant sort dashing this way and that. I have concluded that he misses his dada and is upset about being away from him. :(
Dr. Ryder and I have been in constant communication over Dieter, talking on the nearly 3-4 times a day and he's befuddled as well. I have asked him to come take the fellow back home on Friday. I think as a test to see if he can stay here, everything seems fine but I'm worried if he won't eat then that will become a huge issue. I asked him if this is how Dieter was in the boarding houses as well, but Dr. R thinks those fellow lie cause they'd say that the dog ate all his food, he loves milk, he's very happy... but now maybe he really wasn't eating his food there either! Bummer.
I do love having this dog in the house. He's no bother at all in the house, makes no fuss of any kinds and is a very sweet and loving chap. I love the way he cocks his head when I call his name, and his soulful eyes look up at me asking to be let out on the balcony, how he scuffs about on the carpet and the wary way he observes Snowie. I love hugging his neck and he'll sort of lean into me, as if telling me to hug harder and sigh a great big sigh. When I'm home and working on the laptop, he'll come every once in a while to check on me. I don't think he knows hide-n-seek but we sorta played that out last night and I think he gets the hang of it cause after a few times he'll come slowly to my hiding place and just peep in to see if I'm really there. I wish I knew or should learn how to handle him better so that our walks are fun for both us. I have asked Dr. R to teach me to handle Dieter before he teaches me art, I really really want to be able to take him on his walk and not make a spectacle of myself with all the guards and car drivers laughing at me.
And, NO I'm not at all thinking of keeping him. I'm going to be very practical about these things and now set ground rules that I absolutely cannot violate. Yip.
Monday, May 19, 2008
The man, and his Dog
Dr. Ryder was just this witty, colorful old chap that you just cannot help but like him, if you are me. If you are you, you would probably have a different opinion. But then that's entirely your problem. Anywhichways, Dr. Ryder wanted to give the dog up cause when he travels about he has to leave the poor fellow in kennels and boarding houses and they both hate it. I then had this brillianto solution *pats back* that I would dogsit Dieter while he's out and about, that way they don't have to leave the dog with strangers in kennels and I get to have a dog.
Weeeeee! He agreed.
Well to test it out right now, cause I have never had a BIG dog before and even though Dieter is rather well behaved, I still need to see if I can really handle him. Not to mention Snowie and how he should not end up a masticated mess in Dieters tummy.
Dr. Ryder and his companion Manisha came over on Saturday with Dieter, and we tested him out with the house, with Bhumi and...... Snowie. Everything went well, so far so good. Sunday once again they trooped back to our house, this time with a pug in tow named Leo. Dr. Ryder showed us the ropes... or the leash in this case, on how to put it on the dog and "handle" him. Easier said than done. It's all swell when you are practicing it on your foot, it's another thing altogether when theres a 80 lbs dog at the end of your leash, showing off his awesome strength, a tug of which would send you tripping over your enthusiasm to "handle" this beast.
No. I did not trip. I did get dragged a bit, scrambling to stay upright.
No. It was NOT comical.
No. No one was laughing. Really.
What I really wanted to see how Dieter reacts to the pye-dogs and vice-versa. I cannot forget my lil rip with the Bully and yip, there he was... snarling in all his glory. It was amazing, how both Dr. Ryder and Dieter handled the bristling reception by Bully and Bullina (his mate) but then the man sure as hell has a good command over his dog than I would. I was a lil worried, what IF Dieter wouldn't listen to me. And, so we decided that I'll stick to routes that do not generally have Bullies and all Dieter needs to do is susu-potty and walk about a bit and thats all.
What Dieter really likes to DO is:
- Get all EXCITED about his walk, so he sprints down the stairs like his tail is on fire, yipping happily and all the while I'm hanging on to the Banister desperately trying not to fall and lose all my teeth.
- He then DASHES about, sniffing this and pissing on that, all the while I'm tugged around at the end of his leash, trying again not to trip and break my nose.
- He needs to make potty on "high" ground, which generally means a flower pot, so far we have fertilized 3 pots.
- After he's done with his business, he calms down and bit and behaves. Which is good, cause by that time I'm limp anyways.
Back home, he seriously is a very well behaved dog. No begging for food, no messing up the furniture, no whining or crying for this and that, no scratching up the carpet. He just lays about peacefully by the balcony door and sleeps, or wants to be let out on the balcony to watch the world go by.
I'm hoping this arrangement works out to the benefit of both me and Dr. Ryder.
So far so good. :)
Friday, May 9, 2008
- Ppl are polite, they say thank you and please, excuse themselves when they pass you by in the corridors and smile and wave at you while crossing the street. I actually found that rather strange cause I'm not used to smiling at strange men or women or children.
(okokokOK I get it. Ppl are NOT polite all over the country, ppl are actually indifferent bordering on rude in some parts... I know, I'm aware of it, I got the memo!)
-- But what is UP with all the happiness? WHY is everyone so happy to see you? What if I do not want to smile and say Hi? What if I want to be all dour and sour? Huh? - NO DUST.
- Payless Shoe Store. YaY!
- I bought nearly 65% of all the organic, cruelty-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, SLS-free personal care products that I have been researching and wanting for over 2 years! Woohoo!
- Hot water. All the time.
- Trees. Of every which color, esp. the PURPLE ones.
- Road signs, street signs, traffic signs, signs, signs, signs. How can you possibly miss a turn when they start telling you from Africa where to turn, when to turn, how many degrees the wheel needs to be to turn... :P
- Everything is automated, from banks to laundromats.
- Unlimited refills. Not that I got to ever got to finish the original drink.
- PT Cruiser!
- Large portions of food. I couldn't finish a single meal in one sitting and at the end of my stay there was enough food in the fridge to feed a small village, not to mention the food I had to dump in trash cause seriously WHO eats that much!?
- If you don't have a car, getting around is a killer.
- Air fucking conditioning. I had to wear my cardigan ALL the time, which sucked cause I so wanted to not wear it while it's summer!
- Small talk that ppl make when you enter a store, stand in line in a restaurant, bump in the corridors... I'm soooo not good with the small talk, apart from "Oh", "Yeah", "Uh-Huh", "Ah", "Hmm", "Ok", "I see"... I tried to look away the minute someone tried to make eye-contact with me. :|
Sunday, March 9, 2008
5 quirky things about me :)
My first Tag! I'm IT IT IT!
First, the rules:
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
- Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
- Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Here goes...
- I wangle turds up. TeeHee.
- I adore Paneer. I can eat it raw, I can eat a kilo of it and I have eaten it 2-3 weeks old gathering fuzz in my fridge.
- I bite when I'm terribly affectionate with someone. Them, I mean. I bite THEM. Dogs included. The cat won't let me yet.
- I have weird priorities about silly things (regular everyday things as well) like, if I'm buying bread or saving table-scraps to feed my stray dog(s) and if I'm not able to feed/find her/him that day and happen to spot another stray, I'll give it a tiny portion of the food and save the rest for MY stray(s).
- I worry. Non-stop.
- I'm addicted to Lip Balms. My favorite brand is Avon (it has SUGGAH!) and Burt's Bees. I apply it even if I wake up in the middle of the night to pee.
Hmmmm... I actually have no one to tag, so...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Assholes Zameen Par
Gay over/under-tones, pedophilia, incestuous caresses... that's what a couple of individuals opinions (read crass humor) are on IMDB for Taare Zameen Par. The whole; teacher lustily hugging the student, eyeing him with desire, stalking him all over the school... ick. Really. ICK. I get it, you have an objective view of the movie, stick to that. Rip apart the acting, how the subject matter was handled, the research or lack of it, the direction... have a field day. But GAY under-tones!? Even with prevalent abject homophobia running rabid in most of the straight men, finding gay-over or undertones in a movie like this is fucked up. That's no longer funny. Men who hold hands while crossing the street can be funny, men who walk with their buddies with their arms around each others shoulders or men sitting a tad too close sharing a pint of beer perhaps demand a bit of sniggering (if you insist i.e.), but a teacher-student relationship, or for that matter any relationship where there's bonding and affection and love... is NOT gay or pedophilia or incestuous. And if you think so, albeit with a bitty of ha-ha, then that's just you being a total ass-wipe.
Going through some of the posts in the IMDB board, I was quite upset that a few ppl just faffed over the actual point (disregarding for a moment that it was a tad overdone and a tad underdone) and found time and reasons enough to focus on the WHY Amir really really needs to hug a child he was trying to help. Really? Are we that screwed up as a society that now any elder hugging a child or seeking him out of concern is reason enough to brand him a pedophile? How can that be funny? Has pedophilia become so commercial *snort* that ppl can use it as brunts of their jokes? Is child-abuse so cosmetic that anyone can slap that on and giggle about it?
Turns my stomach.