Friday, May 9, 2008


Was nice:
  1. Ppl are polite, they say thank you and please, excuse themselves when they pass you by in the corridors and smile and wave at you while crossing the street. I actually found that rather strange cause I'm not used to smiling at strange men or women or children.
    (okokokOK I get it. Ppl are NOT polite all over the country, ppl are actually indifferent bordering on rude in some parts... I know, I'm aware of it, I got the memo!)
    -- But what is UP with all the happiness? WHY is everyone so happy to see you? What if I do not want to smile and say Hi? What if I want to be all dour and sour? Huh?
  2. NO DUST.
  3. Payless Shoe Store. YaY!
  4. I bought nearly 65% of all the organic, cruelty-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, SLS-free personal care products that I have been researching and wanting for over 2 years! Woohoo!
  5. Hot water. All the time.
  6. Trees. Of every which color, esp. the PURPLE ones.
  7. Road signs, street signs, traffic signs, signs, signs, signs. How can you possibly miss a turn when they start telling you from Africa where to turn, when to turn, how many degrees the wheel needs to be to turn... :P
  8. Everything is automated, from banks to laundromats.
  9. Unlimited refills. Not that I got to ever got to finish the original drink.
  10. PT Cruiser!
Was not:
  1. Large portions of food. I couldn't finish a single meal in one sitting and at the end of my stay there was enough food in the fridge to feed a small village, not to mention the food I had to dump in trash cause seriously WHO eats that much!?
  2. If you don't have a car, getting around is a killer.
  3. Air fucking conditioning. I had to wear my cardigan ALL the time, which sucked cause I so wanted to not wear it while it's summer!
  4. Small talk that ppl make when you enter a store, stand in line in a restaurant, bump in the corridors... I'm soooo not good with the small talk, apart from "Oh", "Yeah", "Uh-Huh", "Ah", "Hmm", "Ok", "I see"... I tried to look away the minute someone tried to make eye-contact with me. :|
That's about it for the Was Not's. I guess I'll have more if I visit again, or maybe not. It certainly was an expereince, the minute I stepped out of the airport into the cooooool sweetly scented drizzling night, I felt this "awareness", this "realization" that, Babes you are here, finally. After years of watching it in the movies, reading about it in the books, talking to ppl who live here, I was standing on American soil... such a pivotal occurance for a person with my perception of the world and my expectations from it.

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