Friday, June 6, 2008

The tag of 8s!

Long due. Plus I needed a reason NOT to document what's REALLY going on in me life right now.

The lists are in no particular order.

8 Things I am passionate about:
  1. Paneer
  2. Promoting Animal Welfare
  3. Fruits
  4. Nanoo
  5. Doing everything possible to reduce my carbon footprint
  6. Daydreaming
  7. Shopping
  8. Poochies and Huggies

8 Things I do that drives Mama crazy
Umm... used to drive my Momsie crazy :P
  1. When I used to act like I was the Mom and she the kid.
  2. Holding her in a death-grip with my arms and leg while sleeping.
  3. Nagging non-stop about... well anything and everything.
  4. Demanding that she wake me up with atleast 3 cups of ginger-tea and if either one was not made to my exact specifications I would throw a tantrum... and then she'd have to wake me up with lots and lots and LOTS of poochies and huggies.
  5. Hoarding fruits and snackies in my cupboard cause I hated sharing anything with my bro.
  6. While dressing up to go someplace, I'd force her to wear the sari I liked instead of the one Da picked for her, and when she would still wear what Da wanted, I'd get all miffed and cranky and sulk the entire time.
  7. My refusal to go to church.
  8. Waking her up in the middle of the night to go see why some pup or dog was mewling, sneaking pups and dogs in the terrace and then sneaking them into the house and into my bed, emo-blackmailing her to deal with Da into letting me re-home the pups and strays... *sigh* miss it all so much.
8 Things I want to do before I die
  1. Sky Dive/BASE Jump/Fly in a HotAir balloon
  2. Have a baby
  3. Go storm chasing
  4. Visit Scotland; only for Jaime
  5. Learn to drive a Car
  6. Make a sincere effort to help the cause of animals and our planet
  7. Write a book
  8. Be loved, unconditionally
8 Things I say often
  1. Who the F, What the F
  2. Bloody Hell
  3. Really???
  4. Man... or meaaaaan!
  5. Kya bakwas
  6. Abe oye
  7. Ba or Nanoo
  8. Pukka?
8 Books I've read recently
  1. The Twentieth Wife
  2. Feast of Roses
  3. Namesake
  4. Mistress of Spices
    Thats about all I have read recently. I'm too busy to crack open a book (imagine that!!), I do most of my reading these days online, and mostly it's either on Animal Welfare/Rights/Issues, or about organic products, green living or... crochet patterns. :P
8 songs I could listen to over and over
I cannot answer this!!!! There can never be JUST 8 or 10 or 1 or 100.

8 Things that make me me
  1. Really short fuse
  2. Has GREAT expectations
  3. Opinionated
  4. Obsessive
  5. Vivid imagination
  6. Passionate about the oddest of things
  7. Moody as hell
  8. Stubborn


~nm said...

You really wanna have a baby? Really? I mean...umm...REALLY?? :P

And who is Jaime that I do not know of?

And on the last bit, I totally agree on pt 1,2,3,4,7& 8 :D

*ducking away from those objects being hurled at me*

Ami loves- said...

Yes. Really. I know it doesn't seem plausible looking at my attitude towards the kiddies, but I DO. Hmmpppffff.

Jamie is me laddie from a book I am obsessed about. Relax ma. He's fictional.

*stomps foot for missing ~nm's noggin'*