Monday, June 30, 2008

Hint of Impropriety

I was on call with this property dealer, getting some facts cleared for a property he had listed in the Internet and we had gone to see past week, when all of a sudden the talk turned... um... flirty.

It took nearly 10-15 seconds for me to suddenly realize he'd asked me a personal question that I had almost given an answer to! Hmm. He is definitely a smooth talker no doubt about it, very gentlemanly with his polished angrezi, but I was a lil amazed how interested he seemed and how personal his questions were getting. Put a stop to that, yip, and he goes, "Ahhh! I get it, no personal questions huh?". Right Dood.

He's been missed-calling me and then smsing me nearly everyday, requesting me to call back at "my convenience" to "talk about the property". Yeah Right. I'm no longer 18 mister!! I know all about your Lothario-kinds! On the 5th day I finally answered his call and he was all like, you have been avoiding me, I'm so hurt. EH! Then he goes on, how about letting me take you around to "see properties" and I'm all like, "No can do, we have already finalized on one building" and he's says his voice all low and husky, "Ohh, my bad luck that I couldn't be of service to you... *sigh!*" I'm like WTF, is this Dood for real!? He hasn't SEEN me and he's being all improper on the phone! For all he knows I'm fat and hairy with 32 warts on my nose!!!

As I'm politely and FIRMLY trying to end the conversation he goes, "Can we meet for coffee sometimes?", I refuse; he sighs again and goes, "Would have been nice to put a face to this voice of yours." WhooHoo!

I'm not denying that it does me ego a bitty good to hear that *snicker* but no siree, no can do.


~nm said...

Hehehe! But must say, doesn't it make you feel good about yourself even if its for 1 moment only when such people act like this. Nahi?

But yeah..such people are best to be left far and away :)

Ami loves- said...

Yip! It's flattering indeed. :P And one desperately needs flatter when one is growing so old!