Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Mighty Hat!

I might... a mighty big might... be going to the RSNA show this year in Chicago. Which would be awesome, I have always wanted to SEE the biggest show related to our industry and now finally I get the opportunity. What's funny is that I have been designing the booths and all for this show and not yet have seen what they look like in reality. Would be awesome to actually get to see my work up-close and personal.

I have been hearing a LOT about how freaking cold it's there in Dec, and I'm a tad nervous about being able to brave it. So, in preparedness for traveling to the Windy City, I decided to crochet me a sturdy, warm hat.
I was a lil off on the measurements and it's the teeniest bit big. But it covers my ears nicely and I hope it will stand the test of cold and wind. The original pattern didn't have a brim, I added that on me own, gave it a feathery trim with the leftover feather wool I had and I think it looks mighty cute.

I'm re- crocheting the scarf to go with the hat, I had crocheted it last winters but since I was in a hurry them to get it over with I had used a pattern with "holes" in it. I unraveled it last week and now I'm re-doing it in a more close-"knit" pattern.

Can't wait to wear them both!

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